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By Rose Stephan

How to Test Paint Colours for Confident Decisions


July 30, 2024

Choosing the right paint colour can be absolutely overwhelming. With so many options out there, just standing in front of a paint chip rack can send anyone into decision paralysis.

And I will be honest, even us decorators aren’t immune to this.

Without a solid method or framework, the sheer number of colour choices can be really intimidating.

Trust me, I’ve been there. When I start considering every single paint brand and colour option, I too can get super overwhelmed, even with my training as a decorator and colour consultant.

paint swatches with sample paint cans

As the owner of a Home Hardware store with a bustling BeautiTone paint department, I see this scenario play out all the time. Customers stand in front of the paint chips, looking completely lost, not knowing where to even start.

Even within the BeautiTone brand, there are thousands of colours. And don’t get me started on white paint options – there are dozens of those alone! 

paint colour consultant looking at paint swatches with customer

One thing I’ve noticed over and over is how SMALL the paint colour chips are in paint stores. They’re just too teeny tiny for anyone to make a confident colour decision.

I’ve seen customers tack up these minuscule colour chips on a large wall and think, “Wow, how could you ever base such an important decision as the transformation of your room on that tiny thing?

woman looking at paint swatches

These paint chip samples are a good starting point, but they’re way too small to rely on for your final decision. 

Thankfully, through my training and personal experiences with our home builds and renovations, including my certification as a “True Colour Expert,” I’ve learned an excellent way to test paint colours. This method is inspired by the insights I’ve gained from studying with the renowned colour expert, Maria Killam.

This method helps you confidently choose the perfect colour for your space because you’ll see how it works with your fixed elements, like countertops and flooring, as well as your furniture and decorations.

woman looking at paint colour swatches

Remember, it’s crucial to take your time with this process.

So please, please, please don’t rush this decision, or you might end up regretting your choice. Even if the painter is breathing down your back for a decision, ask for more time if you’re just not sure yet.

With a few simple tools like white poster board, a sample can of paint, and a paintbrush, you can test your colours effectively.

It’s totally worth the effort, and in the end, you’ll be so much happier with your decision.

paint brushes with sample, test paint cans

So, let me share my BEST TIPS for testing the paint colours you’re considering so that you can make your final decision with confidence.

Now that we’ve identified how easy it is to get overwhelmed by all the paint colour options, let’s focus on EMPOWERING YOU to make this important decorating decision.

The key is learning how to test paint colours effectively.

So I’ve gathered my best tips into a simple, easy-to-follow process that will help you test and choose the perfect colour with confidence.

These steps involve a few essential tools and a bit of patience, but they’re guaranteed to save you from the regret of a rushed decision.

do-it-yourself paint sample boards with sample paint cans

Grab essential items like white poster board or canvas board from the dollar or craft store, sample cans of the paint colours you’re considering, and a paintbrush. 

large paint sample board with paint brush

BIGGER IS BETTER when it comes to paint colour testing. So create your own large paint sample boards. 

large paint sample board against plain white bristol board on the exterior of a home

Place a piece of true white paper (copier paper or poster board works!) behind your large colour boards to prevent the existing wall colour from influencing your perception.

large paint sample board in kitchen

The time of day and the amount of sunlight in a room can significantly change how a paint colour appears. This is natural and expected. A colour won’t look the same throughout the day, so make sure to view it in your space at different times to avoid any surprises.

large paint sample boards on the exterior of house

Make sure your paint colour choice works with the undertones of your furniture and fixed elements. A complimentary colour scheme is the goal!

woman testing paint colours looking at large paint samples

Patience is key in the testing process.

how to test paint colours free guide

For a comprehensive guide, including detailed steps and insider tips along with helpful images, download my free PDF, “The Confident Colour Test Method,” packed with everything you need to know.

Grab it HERE and start your journey to a confidently chosen paint colour!

And remember, a beautiful home starts with confident choices. So take your time, trust the process, and embrace the transformation.

Happy decorating!

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Lawyer. Adjudicator. Personal Growth Enthusiast. Decorator. 
Seems like an odd mix, right? But they all play a part in shaping me – your friendly style and design coach!

Rose Stephan

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